Lego Island.exe

Ah! Lego island! That some how fun piece of shit game! I went to a fuckin car boot sale and a 50 year old pleb virgin said "oi bitch buy my fuckin game you little shit" and I said "k" so I went home and stuck the box in my gay little laptop and started it up. It started with the guy with the hat saying "welcome to a fuckin island" I thought this was really gay since it was a shit kids game. then i entered the game as pepper and looked for my shitty gay yellow skate board. then I went to talk to my mum and she said its time to ruin your life
Then this gay image came up and I became gay! and my school freinds called me gay
I was in an gay asylum that night and I cried.
If you cried of "Scaredness" pls share on youtube k